2 Easy Ways to Actually Strengthen Your Culture in Times of Chaos

Tim Paul
Critical Times
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2020


COVID-19 has taken normal and completely tossed it out the window.

The new normal is now remote and virtual work for 62% of the U.S. working population. That’s a shit ton of people working from home.

Face it, things are changing — the daily briefings, meetings, and close calls have been replaced with more autonomy and an evolving company climate.

This shift will inevitably change your culture.

For those in the back…

🔈This shift will inevitably change your culture🔈

For context, think about how hard it is to create a strong, healthy culture during “normal” work circumstances…

That’s why during a time of chaos or disruption, your organization needs a strategy to ensure you continue to create a work experience that is healthy and enjoyable by employees.

Workplace culture is the totality of the social environment and the relationships that comprise it. It takes multiple people to establish norms, practices and behaviors around the concept of “how we do things around here.”

Now, the primary social interaction for the vast majority of our workplaces — face-to-face interactions — has changed completely, putting the norms we’ve established at risk.

So, how can you continue to ensure your teams, and your entire organization, actually strengthen culture in the face of chaos.

A Leaders Responsibility


But every communication doesn’t require a zoom call or phone call.

Sometimes, a simple email works. Or a news update in the Critical App.

It helps to revitalize your message in the context of the ongoing chaos. In other words, it helps to remind your team what it brings to the world and why it’s important. It brings a level of hope and context during a time of increased difficulty. It’s the “why” that many WFH’ers need right now!

It’s the “why” that many WFH’ers need right now!

These messages can easily get lost as focus narrows to day-to-day tasks and accomplishments —can you believe that only 4 in 10 employees strongly agree that the mission or purpose of their company makes them feel their job is important.

Not ideal.

Beyond a motivating mission, research is clear that this is a PERFECT time to ask your employees big and important questions that can help you reshape your culture during this vital period and beyond:

Think about these:

How can I support you better during this uncertain time?

What can I help clear up for you that seems uncertain or undefined?

What is the #1 opportunity for our company during this chaos?

What do you think is the biggest risk for our company during this chaos?

🌟Need a way to ask these questions to get fast, real-time results from everyone without suffering through email. Check out Critical.🌟

Oh and more questions for your team can be found here.

As a Leader, you must find ways to get answers to these deep and sometimes scary questions. Be open, be thankful, and grateful when receiving this key feedback.

Don’t take the risk of flying blind during chaos. Increase clarity and transparency at all times.

Second, check in on employee health and wellbeing

Many of your employees are suddenly working with more distractions, disruptions, and disasters. Some are sharing their space with multiple kids while others are adjusting to remote work.

You must show them that you care about them as a person, and not only as a producer of work, during this time of chaos.

According to Gallup analytics, only 4 in 10 U.S. workers strongly agree their supervisor or someone at works cares about them. That’s flat out egregious.

You simply cannot risk people feeling devalued or uncared for during a workplace disruption of any kind!

Take a little time to recognize your employees: Leaders play an essential role in recognizing employees. In fact, recognition is one of the most effective ways to communicate cultural expectations. Be on the lookout for examples of employees who are performing, succeeding and doing it in ways that continue to promote the organization’s culture.

Be on the lookout for employees who are working particularly hard to make life easier for their teammates, who over-communicate with customers, or are training those around them.

If you don’t know or don’t have time, ask your direct reports for inputs. That forces them to look out for good cultural examples, therefore multiplying the number of people looking to recognize good performance!

Chaos is a PERFECT time to reevaluate your culture to ensure health and wellness over the long term. Financial success and growth masks a lot of the parts of your culture that are being neglected, intentionally or unintentionally.

Take this time to find out where you need to place some focus and intent. Your employees have ALL of those answers you’re looking for.

I would love to know what you’ve experienced with your business and chaos or disruptions — do these lessons resonate with you? What have you learned that I didn’t put here?

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Tim Paul
Critical Times

Determined to make the world a better place by making work a better place.